Monday, 14 November 2016

Week 5: Boiling leaf

Here I have the drawings that I did for different types of leaf.

This is the fist stop motion of the leaf. At the first part of the animation the leaf is static and do not have movement. Also I should have done more drawings. it has more movement and the timing is better that the last animation that i did.

Then what I did is start over working in twos and making more drawings and movement to the leaf with a variety of positions.

Week 4: washing line

When I first tired to do the washing line I had again the problem of timing and movement. As it is seen, the animation goes fast with any motion in it.

In my second change, I calculate how may drawing I should get and I made the first and the last drawing, after I did the ones in the middle by following a path. 

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Week 4: Cycles

Cycles of repetition action are one f these ways that animators constantly use to cut down the amount o work o be done.

‘Steam Boat Willie’ – 1927-
animated against the sound
track forming the classic Disney

As a task during our time in class I did a flag with 4 drawings making a very short animation and quick timing. In my opinion I should have done more than 4 drawings because the natural action of the wind is not appreciated. 


Week 3: Animating to sound

In my research for a sound effect I found effects such as a door closing or a drums effect. For this task I selected the beep effect.

In this video it is seen timing, anticipation, pose to pose and metamorphosis.
The timing of the drawings with the sound doesn't match and the drawings doesn't representative very well the sound. This animation is the one that i like less.

By this point I decided to change my stop motion animation, due to the fact that the image wasn't emphasizing the sound effect and there wasn't any relation between sound and animation.  
What i become with is the drawing of a bird increasing by the sound and decreasing. I did 24 drawings in twos. This time the image and sound matched and the timing was accorded with the sound rhythm. 

Friday, 11 November 2016

Timing: Ball

In  the learning process of timing I did a ball movement with a classmate.  When the ball jumps it goes slow until the end that it juts stand there. In this animation I could apply the motion of squash and stretch. Also we should made the timing at the hight point slower than when the ball falls.

12 Principles of Animation

Animators work in 24 frames

Squash and Stretch: it is used to emphasize the speed, momentum, weight and mass distorting
its shape during an action.

Timing and Motion - they are spacing actions to define the weight and size of objects
and the personality of characters. More drawings= slow
Less drawings = fast

Anticipation - the preparation for an action to give to the audience a clue as what is happening next.

Staging - it is the presentation of any idea so that is completely and unmistakably clear.

Follow Through and Overlapping Action - the termination of an action and
establishing its relationship to the next action. When the body stops the tip follow through the farthest before setting back.

Straight Ahead and Pose to Pose Action - The two contrasting approaches
to the creation of movement. pose to pose is when you draw the beginning and the end of each main pose and go back later to fill in the drawings between.

Slow In and Slow Out - the spacing of the in-between frames to achieve
subtlety of timing and movement. an example is that the movement starts slowly, builds speed and finishes slowly.

Arcs - the visual path of action for natural movement such as a circular path.

Exaggeration - Accentuating the essence of an idea via the design and the

Secondary Action - the action of an object resulting from another action by using gestures that support the main action to add dimension to the character.

Appeal - The creation of a design or an action that the audience enjoys watching and it is pleasing to look at. Dynamic design= appeal
1- variety of shapes
2- proportions

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Week 2: Timing and expressing movement

The first animation had a lot of circles and it didn't express the movement of the balloon. I think that it was because I didn't calculate well how many drawing I needed and the timing was mechanical without any feeling.

I have tried to improve the animation by making a different movement and with more expressive drawings; however, it still need movement and i need to take care with timing. 

Week 1: Metamorphosis

This is the first animation that I've done in my life. I made the changes from   the letter "E" to the letter "L". I think that I should not break the letter when it made the change because the principal thing for the metamorphosis is see how it changes one shape to another without any break.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Welcome to my animation blog

Welcome to my online sketchbook, a blog created for my module "Animation: Origin and Functions". I upload all my projects that I made for this module and what I'm learning!!